You’ve written a book for children and you have all the illustrations to keep the little ones entertained and re-reading your book over and over, how will you print it?

Writing the children’s book is like walking downhill, it’s fun, easy and stress free. If you are an artist, so is the imagery. If not, the obstacles begin. Finding a good artist is easy, finding one that understands your book and its vision, not so much.
TIP: Work with an artist you like. Spend time together to ensure a good fit, this will save you tons of time and money.

Images secured, let’s find a printer! With the Internet and social media, self-publishing has literally eliminated publishing houses.
TIP: Why pay a publishing house half of your profits (or more) to use their printer and promote your book on the Internet?

Finding your printer is more than a Google search for “Self-Published Book Printers”, a printer is much like your illustrator, find someone you trust and are comfortable working with.
TIP: Ask yourself, when my book is successful, will my printer be dependable, will they be transparent?

At Heritage Signs & Displays, we insist on transparency, it’s a major part of our core values. We believe that open, honest communication will eliminate obstacles, stress and save money for both our client and our self.

We help with the tough decisions, like paper, coatings and bindery. A minor miscalculation in any of these can dramatically impact the cost and productions of your children’s book.
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Writing is fun, there is no reason to bring stress into your pleasure, choosing an artist and a printer you are comfortable with will keep the fun in your project.
TIP: Buying on price will always get you what you pay for!
Original Sources: https://heritageprinting.com/blog/the-dummies-guide-to-self-published-childrens-books/
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